Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lisa graduates as a Russian Linguist in the Army at Presidio of Monterey!

Just 3 days after David joined the army, Lisa graduated as a Russian Linguist in the Army! We were able to go down for her graduation and celebrate with her! She gave a speech with another girl in her class as they both spoke and translated for each other! It was a wonderful, witty, and clever, speech! Her teachers told us how she speaks like a native and how hard she's worked! We even heard that in 26 years of hearing graduate speeches in Russian, none could compare to Lisa's! What a wonderful accomplishment, Lisa! Soon she will soon go to Texas for more training, and eventually will be sent to Germany. There couldn't be a mother that's prouder of a daughter than I am of Lisa! I love you sissy!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Please tell Lisa Congratulations for me. She is so beautiful and smart, she has really come a long ways and it's a no wonder you are so proud of her. If you could I would love to have her email address so I can chat with her.


My 2nd Grade Class!

My 2nd Grade Class!
The best class of all!